Friday, March 18, 2016

MyPaint 1.2 Review

If you are looking for a free painting software in Linux, your best bet is MyPaint. I am more than enthusiast to recommend this great app.

To be honest I am more than ready to be disappointed with MyPaint, I was expecting clunky interfaces, outdated design - but oh boy I'm glad I was wrong. The software is user friendly, nice to look at and easy to customize.
I never work with other paid painting software, but I found that for now MyPaint is everything I need.
If you are about to set an affordable journey of digital art, MyPaint and affordable Genius' i608x is a sane bridge to get to the next level of expertise. After all tools doesn't make arts, people does.

My WIP Digital Painting With MyPaint

A photo posted by @pakepensil on

Fortunately MyPaint is already available in Ubuntu repository, installing it is as easy as clicking mouse.

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