Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Krita | Free Sketching and Painting Program

I love the simplicity of MyPaint, and I think it is enough for most of my need but that doesn't stop me from looking for a better sketching and painting program.

Behold Krita.

Krita is a free sketching and painting program for Linux, Mac and Windows. Krita is aimed at concept artists, texture or matte painting, illustrations and comics artists.

Started it in MyPaint and did some polishing in Krita
Here are some Krita's highlighted features :
  • Intuitive and customizable UI
  • Brush Stabilizers for shaky hand
  • Pop-up Palette, no need to travel to the edges to change brushes and colors
  • Brush Engines, create your own brushes
  • Wrap-around mode to create patterns and texture effortlessly
  • Resource Manager import and export brush and texture packs.
  • Drawing Assistants
  • Mirroring Tools
  • Layer Management
  • Selections
  • Layer Masks
  • Full Color Management
  • OpenGL Enhanced
  • PSD Support
  • HDR Support
  • Transform Tools
  • Training Resources
  • Color Palette

All these features and controls means Krita has steeper learning curve than MyPaint but it is worth it.

Compared to MyPaint, I won't call it better. MyPaint has simplicity and Krita is more complex, which one better depends on one's need.

Price wise, they both free, so go ahead install them both. And don't forget to donate/contribute back especially when your artworks sells.

How to install Krita on Linux Mint/Ubuntu

For Linux Mint/Ubuntu, you have to add this PPA to install Krita by typing these commands to Terminal.

For stable version :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports 
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install krita

For updated and testing package :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dimula73/krita
sudo apt-get update
sudo sudo apt-get install krita-2.9 krita-2.9-dbg

I found the testing package is stable enough to use, just don't put all dockers on the right side it will make Krita window un-maximize-able.

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